Team Merrell/Zanfel Adventure has unusually close relationships with its sponsors. Sue Harvey Brown from Merrell was in Montana prior to the start of Primal Quest, and Steve Sisler, the team's contact at Zanfel, rolled into Bozeman today to show his support. Steve's wife Heather Sisler, and Robyn Benincasa have developed something of a mother-daughter bond. Today at Transition Area 10, Heather was patting Robyn on the shoulder, probably telling Robyn everything will be all right. But not for another day or two, when Robyn and the boys cross the finish line!
Yes, that sounds like Miss Heather. It's no secret that Robyn has been adopted into the Sisler clan as "Auntie Robyn". Our five children periodically ask at the dinner table, "Where is Robyn racing at today?" Robyn always has something going on.
Back to Heather, while at the last TA someone asked her why she kept picking up things. Julie, our 9 y/o, didn't miss a beat by saying, "That's what she does all of the time." With five children and a husband I guess she's had some practice. Thank you Miss Heather!
We here at Zanfel do appreciate our business AND personal relationships with Robyn and the Merrell/Zanfel Adventure team. What a great group of people to be associated with! It's both a priviledge and an honor to be able to know and work with them.
Finish strong. We look forward to seeing you all at the next TA!
Steve Sisler
Zanfel Laboratories, Inc.
Thanks Merrell and Zanfel for continuing to sponsor this wonderful adventure racing team. I greatly enjoy following their races. Also, since first following them, I have purchased two pairs of Merrells (I love them) and numerous tubes of Zanfel (great product). Congrats Robyn and the Merrell/Zanfel Adventure team on another great race.
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